About janreggie’s sandbox

 2020.09.17, last updated 2021.07.20 -  Jan Reggie Dela Cruz -  ~2 Minutes

Hello, and welcome to this website. I don’t know what got you here, but you’re always welcome to check around the posts that I’ve written.

Why the sandbox

Why do people write blogs in the first place? A reason could be wanting to show the world what they’re capable of writing. Another reason could be wanting to hone their writing skills. There’s definitely more reasons that I wouldn’t want to go on here, and Fishbin from the Huffington Post writes ten reasons to do so   .

Personally I wanted to put all of my work in a single place. Well, my Github profile already does that for me, although I wanted to talk more about these projects without having to dedicate an entire gh-pages site for each of them. I also wanted to have an outlet to put the things I’ve done, for instance, after reading a recent book or finishing an online course.

There’s also the appeal of having an online presence to improve one’s job prospects. I could say that I have been swayed by that.

Why the technology

GitHub Pages   , I believe, is a good enough™️ technology for hosting a website such as this one. A software development platform sounds like the perfect place to host content pertaining mostly to software development.

Hugo   is also a good enough™️ technology for static website building. It allows me to build a website with little configuration and lets me focus on writing content. I’m also more used to using it and Go templates instead of, say, Jekyll, which I have not tried at all, although I do hear good things about the latter.

I have also decided to release the content of this site under CC BY 4.0 , so that other people who might want to use the information I wrote for some purpose only need to credit me and the permalink.

I will put the more technical discussion of this website, such as configuration and details on modifying the theme in Hugo, in janreggie.github.io: internals of janreggie’s sandbox .

My regards

This website could not have been possible without the great work of Sebastian Pech (spech66)   and his bootstrap-bp-hugo-theme   . In addition, I would like to thank Saurabh Sharma for his wondeful font Kumbh Sans   .

Full license details can be found in the Notice page.